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Danfoss Option for VLT: MCA 121 Ethernet IP 130B1119

Option for VLT: MCA 121 Ethernet IP

MCA 121 EtherNet / IP interface
-Allows connection to EtherNet / IP based Automation systems via CIP (CommonInterface Protocol)
-2 port design reduces external components
-HTTP for diagnosis via built-in web server
-SMTP, DHCP and FTP protocols
-Prepared for parameterization with the MCT 10 software via TCP / IP
-Certified according to ODVA

Dettagli prodotto:

Peso lordo 0.633 kg
Peso netto 0.51 kg
Volume 5.46 l
EAN 5710107612147
253,00 €

*Prezzo Tasse Incluse (N2.2) – Spedizione esclusa

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